Maternity Bra Fitting

When should you buy a maternity bra, and how do you know what size to get? Maternity bras aren’t like the bras you’re used to wearing every day – the different styles and fabrics can be confusing, and when the heck do you purchase one anyway?

How many maternity bras do you actually need, and how do you go about getting fitted for one when your breasts are changing size on a seemingly daily basis?

Here is everything you ever wanted to know about maternity bras and sizing.

How Many Maternity Bras

Breastmates honest answer on how many maternity bras you need to buy

HOTmilk Essentials

HOTmilk introduces their new range of Essentials lingerie. There is no need to be without

Plus Size Maternity Bras

HOTmilk lingerie caters up to size 20H - functional and well designed, while being very

When to Get a Maternity Bra

Pregnant and wondering about when is the best time to buy a maternity bra?

Why wear a Maternity Bra?

HOTmilk guidelines on when to wear maternity bras, and how to have them fitted.

The Importance of Maternity Bras

Whats the difference between a maternity bra and a normal bra? We list the

Bra Construction

Features of a HOTmilk maternity bra. What makes them so special? There is

Whats an A frame or Side Sling

What is an A frame bra support, or a side sling support in maternity bras?

Should I buy Bras with Room to Grow?

Should I buy my HOTmilk bra one size too big to allow room to grow?

Breast Changes During Pregnancy

Breast changes and a description of the changes that your body undergoes during pregnancy, in