Choosing a Pushchair

Choosing a pushchair /buggy for your new baby will be one of the most costly items that you buy when setting up.  Here are a few down to earth tips about choosing your pushchair.

All pushchairs and buggies may seem nice and easy to push, when you are pregnant and pushing it around empty in the shop.  But imagine a big 20kg kid, and shopping in the basket, going uphill and they can be hard work to push and steer.  See if you can get a toddler to sit in it when you test drive it.

Another important thing  – is how big they fold up.  Ask at the shop if you can take it to the car park and see if it fits in your boot.  This may be a crucial decision maker, especially if you have a hatchback.

The first one I got from a baby store it was a budget brand.  I thought it was grand because it had 4 wheels, and it initially could go into a bassinette shape (baby looking at mum), and then it would convert to a sitting up position (with toddler looking out).   But this so difficult to steer when I eventually had a baby to put in it.  The 4 wheels would just go nuts and I couldn’t turn it.  I had to lift it to turn the wheels and as a result I didn’t use it very much.

With my second son, I upgraded to a Mountain Buggy. Oh my gosh, buying that was sheer joy.  I could steer it using my little finger.  It was so nice to push and go out with.  Perhaps a tad difficult in narrow shopping isles.   I got my second hand on trademe, used it for 3 years and then sold it on trademe for the same price. They are expensive new but they do have a good resale value and you might get one secondhand.  My one  was a 3 wheel and the front wheel you could set to have a free swivel, or could lock in.

I used this Mountain Buggy when my son was a newborn.  They also sell newborn insert things, or even a whole bassinette attachment for the buggy.  I didn’t have those and just used a baby sleeping bag that I harnessed around the straps.

Do also consider if you are planning on having more children.  As some buggies also have a toddler seat, or an additional recliner so that you can load up two children

This information has not been sponsored by Mountain Buggy, its just my honest ramble!