Breastfeeding and expressing breast milk are two totally different actions, and many mums struggle with expressing breast milk. We’ve got comprehensive advice on how to choose a breast pump, everything you need to know about expressing breast milk, what equipment you need to successfully pump milk, how to overcome common problems with expressing, and how to safely store your expressed breast milk.
Breast Pump Tight
Breast Pump Sizes - How to tell if the breast pump shield is a suitable
Flush Out Breast Pump
How to Flush out Medela Mini Electric Breast Pump. Medela Breast Pump has lost
I Need A Smaller Breastshield
An example of when you need a smaller size breastshield for a medela Swing breast
Medela Breast Pump Not Working
If your Medela breast pump is not working, not sucking, then here is a quick
Medela Pump Trouble Shooting
Medela Breast Pump - Trouble shooting guide if the pump is not working
Milk Sucked Into Tubing
If you have a breast pump and find that milk is sucked into the tubing
Pump in Style Parts
Spare parts for Medela Pump in Style advanced breast pump. You can order all
How to Fix – Swing Breast Pump Has Milk in Tube
Medela Swing Breast Pump - milk is going up tubing and into motor. Medela's
Instruction Manuals for Medela Breast Pumps
Medela Breast Pump Instruction Manuals. Free to download the PDF instruction manuals for your
Cleaning Guidelines for Medela Breast Pumps
Medela Breast Pumps - Cleaning Instructions. How to clean your breast pump and