
Breastfeeding and expressing breast milk are two totally different actions, and many mums struggle with expressing breast milk. We’ve got comprehensive advice on how to choose a breast pump, everything you need to know about expressing breast milk, what equipment you need to successfully pump milk, how to overcome common problems with expressing, and how to safely store your expressed breast milk.

Breast Pump Parts NZ

Breast Pump parts for medela, unimom, avent

Mum Hack for Bottle Sterilising

a little mumhack to save you lot of time in pumping admin

Questions about the Medela Freestyle Flex Breast Pump

Questions about the Medela Freestyle Flex Breast Pump

Shopping for a Portable Breast Pump

What are some recommendations for portable breast pump - for high use, which I can

Medela Single Breast Pump Parts

We discuss the spare parts for the Medela Single breast pump (Swing, Swing Flex, Solo)

Medela Swing Maxi Breast Pump Parts- Different versions

Medela Swing Maxi - the double breast pump has gone through 3 model changes.

Avent Breast Pump Parts – online at Breastmates

Breastmates is the NZ stockist for Avent breast pump parts.  We keep these in stock

Freemie breast pump

Freemie Breast Pump?

Pumping and How to Share Feeds with my Partner

I'm trying to figure out our plan of attack for breastfeeding, and would like some

Swing Breast Pump – old and new models

Upgrading an original Swing Breast Pump to new Flex