Advice & Tips

Parenting can be hard work, and pregnant mums and new mothers sometimes need a little bit of extra help from other mums who know what they’re going through. Breastmates has created a special resource section filled with tried and tested parenting tips, common-sense advice on pregnancy and motherhood, unbiased help with infant feeding, and expert answers to your most important questions. Being a mum is the most important job you’ll ever do, and Breastmates cares about helping you to enjoy being a mum without the stress.

Breast Changes During Pregnancy

Breast changes and a description of the changes that your body undergoes during pregnancy, in

Breastfeeding Contraception ans Ovulation

This is a natural method of contraception that you can use while breastfeeding, but it

Calculate Your Due Date

How to work out Baby Due Date? We'll tell you how to work it

Find a Midwife

How to find a Midwife if you live in New Zealand - here are some

Gestational Surrogacy

A real story shared about gestational surrogacy, how one woman helped another to have her

Hospital Bag

A few essential items that you might like to include in your hospital bag.

How Long Do Your Boobs Stay Big

Pregnant women usually increase in bust size during their pregnancy. A little guide to

I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before

A group of mothers share their thoughts on things they wish people had told them

Itchy Skin when Pregnant

Itchy skin during pregnancy? This is a rare condition that affects 1% of women.

Maternity Sanitary Pads

Maternity Sanitary pads to use after the birth of your baby. You can order