Advice & Tips

Parenting can be hard work, and pregnant mums and new mothers sometimes need a little bit of extra help from other mums who know what they’re going through. Breastmates has created a special resource section filled with tried and tested parenting tips, common-sense advice on pregnancy and motherhood, unbiased help with infant feeding, and expert answers to your most important questions. Being a mum is the most important job you’ll ever do, and Breastmates cares about helping you to enjoy being a mum without the stress.

Dropping the Last Feed

Stopping breastfeeding and dropping the number of feeds, how to stop? A mother

1 Year Old Won’t Drink Milk

One Year Old Baby Won't Drink Milk - A mothers story

Feeding Little Tummies Cookbook

Recipes for baby food. Baby and toddler meals. A wonderful cookbook available online

So your baby is Starting Solids?

Tips and information about starting your baby on Solids. How to know when your

Is Baby Ready to Start Solids

Introducing solids to your baby's diet, and breastfeeding. Some tips from Breastmates, and signs

Introducing Solids

Starting your baby on solids, a few tips on how to start, and what baby

Finger Food and Snacks

Snack food and finger food for toddlers.

Toddlers, Beds and Sleeping

Many toddlers are giving their parents a hard time when it comes to sleeping on

Toddler Bedtime Battles

Heaps of mums are having a tough time getting their toddler to stay asleep in

Breast Feeding Twins

Breastfeeding twins and how to tandem feed your babies. Some breastfeeding tips and advice