Breastfeeding and expressing breast milk are two totally different actions, and many mums struggle with expressing breast milk. We’ve got comprehensive advice on how to choose a breast pump, everything you need to know about expressing breast milk, what equipment you need to successfully pump milk, how to overcome common problems with expressing, and how to safely store your expressed breast milk.
Breast Pump for Job Where I Travel a Lot
Recommendations for the breast pump to choose if you travel a lot for work, we
Bottle Brands Compatibility
Which bottle brands are compatible to switch between breast pump and bottles
How To Use Silicone Breast Pump
We've worked alongside one of our amazing customers, who was brave and confident enough to
Unimom Breast Pumps
Unimom Breast Pumps are available online at Breastmates. We can help recommend the right
Planning to Start Expressing
Breast Pumps and tips from other mums, for expressing breastmilk
Breastmilk Storage Bags
So great to see our Breastmilk Storage Bags being used for breastmilk donation
Unimom Breast Pump for Exclusively Pumping
We recommend the Unimom Forte Breast Pump for exclusively Pumping
Medela Breastshield on Old Pump
We received an email from Emma recently, who had an old Medela Breast pump that
Sterilising your Unimom Breast Pump and Equipment
Unimom suggested guidelines for sterilising your breast pump equipment.