Category Archives: Breast Pump Problem Solving
Troubleshooting when your breast pump isn’t working properly. Is your breast pump not working, or is your particular pump not working for you?
Here are solutions to common breast pump problems and issues, and how to troubleshoot a breast pump that isn’t working properly.
Have a question or problem with your breast pump that isn’t answered here? Email us for more help with your breast pump!
Choosing the right Breastshield Size
Many women are not aware that breast pumps shields come in different sizes, and that
Medela Flex Breast Pumps
We go through the differences of spares parts for the new range of Medela Flex
How To Use Silicone Breast Pump
We've worked alongside one of our amazing customers, who was brave and confident enough to
Sterilising your Unimom Breast Pump and Equipment
Unimom suggested guidelines for sterilising your breast pump equipment.
Unimom Breast Pump Parts
What parts to inspect for wear'n'tear on your Unimom Breast Pump
Unimom Breast Pump – Checklist
Unimom Breast Pump - check list for your pump working correctly
Unimom Breast Pump – Air Leak
Unimom Breast Pump Spare Parts - & Trouble Shooting
Avent Electric Pump Trouble Shooting
Avent Electric Breast Pump - Trouble shooting guideline if your avent electric pump is not
Breast Pump Tight
Breast Pump Sizes - How to tell if the breast pump shield is a suitable